Wednesday, May 9, 2012

4th-Hurdle™ Selects New Chief Medical Director to Head Life Science Advisory Board

4th-Hurdle™ Selects New Chief Medical Director to Head Life Science Advisory Board

Innovative Framework to Engage KOL’s & Medical Directors.

(PRWeb May 09, 2012)

Read the full story at

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What if you had to choose between paying for health insurance or paying for your student loans? Here's what a recent survey of students and grads said.

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Open Question: My husband was assaulted and suffered a traumatic brain injury. how long after does he have to press charges?

My husband and i attended his 3 year old cousins birthday party about two weeks ago. people were having drinks, but the event wasnt "out if control." Long story short, he was in the front yard talking to one of his cousins. All of a sudden, his cousin's boyfriend (this is his cousin whose childs party we were attending, and also the homeowner), came outside and yelled something about "this being his house."my husband turned his head and the guy (his cousins bf) hit him in the side of his head. he was knocked unconscious for maybe a minute. long story short, we gathered our kids and got the hell out of there. the next day we took him to the er and after running a cat scan , the dr told us he had a brain bleed ( subdural hematoma.) it didnt require surgery, because the bleed is stable and were told it will heal itself. thank god it wasnt worse, but my husband has been unable to work for two weeks now, and it could be much longer before he can return. we do not have health insurance, so now we have around $25000 in hospital/medical bills. my question is how long do we have to press charges? Ive done a little research, and i dont think its too late, but do we have a case since we waited so long? Also, is there Ny way we could sue the owner of the home for he assault happening on her property?

oh and also the person that did this already has two strikes against him!
my husband still suffers from constant headaches, whuch could continue for 6 months. his dr also said he could be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. rhanks for taking tge time to read this. btw, we live in california.

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