Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fate of 'uninsurables' hinges on Supreme Court's decision

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

Fate of 'uninsurables' hinges on Supreme Court's decision

WASHINGTON — Cancer patient Kathy Watson voted Republican in 2008 and believes the government has no right telling Americans to get health insurance. Nonetheless, she says she'd be dead if it weren...

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Free Healthcare: Yay or Nay?

I think maintaining a healthy and therefore productive workforce would be better than allowing a couple of wealthy men trading and making a profit on people's suffering. That is what your taxes should go for.

If unemployed, the money that could be used to give you food stamps welfare checks etc. can be used to get you a job and set you up with healthcare coverage.

But if you like people going to 2 jobs so they can cover their medical bills, and over 40 thousand people dying each year because they can't afford health insurance, vote Nay.
If you believe that caring for the workforce will be more beneficial to the nation as a whole, vote Yey.
I am obviously for Yey but this is your say.

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