Sunday, May 13, 2012

Global push to guarantee health coverage leaves US behind - Stars and Stripes

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Global push to guarantee health coverage leaves US behind - Stars and Stripes

Global push to guarantee health coverage leaves US behind
Stars and Stripes
By Noam N. Levey WASHINGTON — Even as Americans debate whether President Barack Obama's health care law and its promise of guaranteed health coverage should be scrapped, many far less affluent nations are moving in the opposite direction — to provide ...

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Open Question: Obama is pretty much the worst president ever? correct?

1 – Fast and Furious – Operation Gun Runner
2 – Stopped the Keystone pipeline that would have created thousands of jobs
3 – Gave $500,000,000,000 tax payer’s dollars to Solyndra
4 – Bowed to foreign dignitaries
5 – Increased our deficit over 40% in 2/12 years
6 – Backed release of Lockerbie Bomber
7 – The Drilling Moratoriums
8 – Soaring FOOD and Gas Prices
9 – NO Shovel Ready Jobs
10 – The Downgrade of America’s credit rating ( First time in American history)
11 – First time in American history over 42 MILLION Americans are living in poverty
12 – Never passed a BUDGET ( First time in 34 YEARS)
13 – America drops to 5th place in GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS
14 – Over 400,000 small businesses closing every year under Obama
15 – Our Debt has increased $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days! (That’s the fastest increase under any president ever!)
16 – No Summer Recovery
17 – Fed Suing States and States suing Feds
18 – Pressured Retired General Shelton to ALTER his testimony
19 – Enable the LARGEST number of HOME FORECLOSURES
20 – Turn America into the LARGEST FOOD STAMP NATION
21 – Filed lawsuit against Arizona for enforcing immigration laws.
22 – Force a Trillion dollar disaster down our throats called Obamacare WITHOUT EVEN READING THE BILL
23 – Increased unemployment despite “stimulus package”
24 – Appoint a TAX CHEAT for Sec. of the TREASURY!
25 – Appoint over 34 UN-ELECTED CZARS
26 – Rebuffs subpoena on failed solar firm
27 – Eric Holder turns a blind eye to voter intimidation by the Black Panthers then justifies with racial comments
28 – First President to File Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect
29 – First President to Terminate America’s Ability to Put a Man into Space
30 – First President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory
31 – First President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts
32 – First President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago
33 – First time in American history a President with a Socialist radical anti American past gets elected, with the help of ACORN and the Black Panthers and gets away with it!
34 – First President in history to create more PROTESTERS then JOBS
35 – First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places
36 – First time a President to enact OVER 4200 NEW anti Business regulations!
37 – First time a President needed to make a website called attackwatch, a site that would make Karl marx Proud!
38 – First time a President Attempted to fill my cabinet with avowed Communist like Van Jones
39 – First time a President supported Anti-Capitalists, Union Thug, Marxists and Anarchists Protesting Mobs bankrupting major cities
40 – The National Debt Has Increased 4.2 TRILLION Dollars
41 – National Debt now 15 TRILLION!!
42 – The USA Spends 4.2 BILLION Dollars More than it takes in
43 – 25 MILLION Jobs LOST But he has added 140,000.00 to the Government payroll
44 – Added 3 MILLION More Americans living in POVERTY
45 – 4 MILLION More Bankruptcies
47 – Gas Prices Have RISEN MORE THAN 130%
48 – Health Insurance Premiums UP 13%
49 – First President in history to have ALL his records SEALED (Including the birth certificate)
50 – Takes RECORD amount of contributions from Wall Street

health insurance - Google Blog Search

Health Insurance and Rebate Checks « JONATHAN TURLEY

I have to admit that I was not aware that the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, as its detractors call it, mandates that the insurance companies who don't spend at least 80% of premium money on actual medical care ...

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