Monday, May 14, 2012

Olympics Committee promotes Michelle Obama's anti-obesity initiative

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Olympics Committee promotes Michelle Obama's anti-obesity initiative

The White House announced Monday that the U.S. Olympic Committee is joining first lady Michelle Obama is promote her Let's Move! anti-obesity initiative.

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Obesity increases your medical insurance premium

Weight is a factor when considering the medical insurance rate for individual and family medial insurance. Typically insurance companies will charge an extra 30% for people heavier than the BMI rate. Consider losing weight and you will also save money on health insurance.


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A Health Insurance Speech Mandate | RedState

ObamaCare requires insurers to send out rebates and emphasize that the checks are the fruit of the Affordable Care Act--the health reform law.

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: How do I stop my period?

I've had my period for 3 weeks now. At first it was light. Then it got really heavy. Then it went back to light. Then back to heavy again. Now it's in between light and heavy. I don't have any health insurance. I want to stop my period. Is there anyway I can stop it without going to the doctor. I'm miserable. Plus my lower stomach started hurting today.

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