Sunday, May 13, 2012

Open Question: Labia swollen, clit small swelling, itchy vagina, no burning but irritation..what could it be?

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Open Question: Labia swollen, clit small swelling, itchy vagina, no burning but irritation..what could it be?

Im 19. I have never been diagnosed with an STD and the only thing ive ever had frequently when i was going through puberty was UTIs. I had a few yest infections as well but not too many. And not like this. Recently my boyfriend and I have been having sex without condoms. I haven't had a period in 6 weeks but usually my period s are late a week or two so im giving that time before I explore that possibility. Well, during the week he had discovered dryness and what seemed to be a small rash around the tip/head of his uncircumcised penis and I, while having no symptoms other than an itch here or there, started having a discharge that was thick and creamy and looked milky. It basically looked like male semen and to be honest, scared the geebus out of me. I didn't smell. I had no pain, no itching, no irritation. Until a few days later. After looking up many possibilities i came to the conclusion that we were both experiencing a Yest Infection and so I purchased Monostat 3 for me, and for him, he purchased Clotrimazole which was recommended by a pharmacist because she said it contained the same drug as Monostat and it was cheaper. His rash seems to have decreased some but as of yesterday, I began to have extreme swelling in my right labia minora. It hurts alot and itches but not very much, and it is harder than the left one. Also my clit/volva is extremly itchy with small swelling and alot of sensitivity. However, I put ice on it last night and it seemed to decrease swelling but after walking today it became swollen again. Ive also been using the anti itch cream that came with the Monostat 3 and ive used one suppository so far, but the itch is still there and i have yet to see the results do to the fact that this is my first night. What can I do to decrease the swelling and eliminate it all together? I tried a salt bath for the itch....didn't work much. I tried ice,,,,temporarily brought it down but its right back up, and ive tried walking around all yesterday and today WITHOUT any underwear or pants so that there would be no garments rubbing against my already irritated vagina. All ive worn is dresses..really long dresses but it still doesn't seem to do much because Im swollen all over again and in pain. HELP! Does anyone know what this might be and what else can i do to make it go away? I cant walk much without it hurting, its extremely uncomfortable, and I don't have health insurance to go to the doctor. Can anyone help please?

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BILLINGS – The ability of adults to obtain basic health care services in the United States has declined in nearly every state over the past decade, even for those who have health insurance – and Montana is no exception, according to a report released by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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