Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Open Question: Why doesn't the US look north to see how things should be done?

Google Videos - health insurance

Its about economy of scale. When you sign up for healthcare coverage, you join a group of other people to combine your healthcare purchasing power ...


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Open Question: Why doesn't the US look north to see how things should be done?

Nobody in Canada filed for bankruptcy due to medical expenses, while 60% of all US bankruptcies in 2009 were due to a lack of medical insurance. http://articles.cnn.com/2009-06-05/health/bankruptcy.medical.bills_1_medical-bills-bankruptcies-health-insurance?_s=PM:HEALTH
Until Obama thousands of Americans were on permanent waiting lists for health care because they couldn't afford the procedure, couldn't get a job because they were sick and because they were sick couldn't get health insurance.

Canadian business is not burdened by providing health insurance to employees like American companies giving Canada a significant advantage over the US.

The US pays the highest per GDP for health care but has one of the worst outcomes of all developed nations. Everyone in Canada is covered for health care without involving for profit insurance companies.

Canadians have a lower tax burden. Of the most taxed nations the United States is the 17th most taxed while Canada is 33rd. http://www.photius.com/rankings/tax_burden_country_ranks_2009.html

Ontario, Canada's most populous province just raised the tax rate on the richest Canadians who make $500,000/yr. by 2%.

On average Canadians outlive their American counterparts by 2.5 years

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