Friday, May 18, 2012

What's at Stake in the Wisconsin Recall Election

Search for "health insurance"

What's at Stake in the Wisconsin Recall Election

What unions really want is legal standing to sue employers and prevent any changes - in wages, hours or other conditions of employment - unwanted by their members.


health insurance - Twitter Search

RT @HarvardHSPH: 2/3 of India's 1.2 billion people are without health insurance, says WHO

RT @HarvardHSPH: 2/3 of India's 1.2 billion people are without health insurance, says WHO

Yahoo! Answers: Search for

Open Question: Cut on my foot not healing, I need some help please?

Okay, so it's not really a cut but like a wound the size of a fingernail, and it's probably the first layer of skin only on the top of my foot. It's been a week and no improvement, but I have been cleaning it and kept it covered completely (via band-aid) and it won't heal! I don't have diabetes (i'm only 14!) and I doubt it is infected cause it's cleaned and covered. If it helps to find out, yes, I play sports everyday...
And no, I can't go to a doctor easily because my family does not have health insurance at the time because my parents are unemployed and it would be a hassle to get me to a clinic...

Any explanations and suggestions??

health insurance - Yahoo! News Search Results

Ballot Initiative Would Hold Health Insurance Premiums Down

Leaders of Consumer Watchdog Campaign along with patients and the state's Insurance Commissioner delivered to the Los Angeles County Registrar's office in Norwalk hundreds of thousands of petition signatures in support of a health insurance rate justification ballot initiative.

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