Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Open Question: Been treating GENITAL WARTS for months, still not effective, PLEASE HELP?

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Open Question: Been treating GENITAL WARTS for months, still not effective, PLEASE HELP?

*SUMMARY: Ive been getting cryotherapy for about 4 months/ 20 treatments now. Has helped but I still cannot get rid of my warts. The remaining warts just will not budge and my immune system is not helping me fight this at all. Please help, how can I maximize the effectivness of these treatments and get rid of my warts? (I was being treated by a Dr. till recently now I have the liquid nitrogen and can treat myself at home.)
* There is NOTHING I want more in life then to FINALLY get rid of these warts so PLEASE HELP!

* This description may seem long but PLEASE bare with me and read it...

I began having genital warts in july 2011 (caused by HPV). At first I did nothing because I heard they would go away on their own, they didnt. In september or october I went to planned parenthood and had one cryotherapy treatment (freezing the warts with liquid nitrogen) which didn't do much if anything so then I got Aldara cream. I used all the cream which lasted about 4 months and although it helped stop the spread/growth of warts it did not do much for getting rid of them. I will add I dont think I used the aldara cream efficiently, i would use it every 3 days as instructed sometimes but would often go a week without using it, partly because it gave me bad side effects like fever.

There I was a broke college student with no health insurance, no car, a large volume of warts, and no clue what to do... Finally I went to my campus student health center for cryotherapy (I hadnt done this earlier because the treatments are expensive without insurance and i thought my warts were way to bad for cryotherapy to be effective at this point) and then a miracle happened and I found a Dr. there who started giving me cryotherapy treatments for free. I got treated once or twice a week from the end of january till the end of april when the semester ended, around 16 treatments all together. My volume of warts has definitely gone down a lot but they are still there. At the end of the semester the Dr. gave me a bottle of liquid nitrogen to take home for the summer and treat myself every 5 days. I have done so 3 times so far.

So ive been getting cryotherapy for almost 4 months now, and have had about 20 treatments and i still have warts, I also dont feel theres been any progress in the past month, the remaining warts just will not budge. What can I do to make these treatments more effective? I always leave the liquid nitrogen on until it falls off and I take vitamins every day, Im willing to do anything to make these treatments work. I just dont understand why the treatments are hardly effective on me, the Dr. would tell me stories of people with great volumes of warts and he would treat only small areas and their immune system would clear up the rest. He said once we got mine down to a smaller volume my immune system should kick in and help out, but im still having new warts show up while im trying to get rid of old ones, it doesnt seem like my immune system is fighting this at all...

I have the resources (liquid nitrogen) i have the freedom and ability to treat myself at any time, now I just need help on how to make these treatments as effective as possible and actually get rid of my warts!!

Thank you in advance for any help!

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