Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Open Question: Should i strip my X of his parental rights? (for 10pts)?

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Open Question: Should i strip my X of his parental rights? (for 10pts)?

My husband wants to adopt my 2 year old daughter.
My X refuses. Yet has never paid a cent for child support. He wouldn't pay for her health insurance when we were married, yet he earned 90k a year.
My X lives and works in Britain. He has never seen my daughter since our split when she was 10 months old.
We have tried Skpying him to reassure him that my husband is a good man, but he continues to refuse to grant him custody or allow him to adopt. Yet wants to have a relationship with my toddler via Facebook only!!!! We completely refused that. We offered skyping her under our supervision and sending pictures of her ever 3 months.

He has stopped answering my emails for the last two months; we are no longer having our Skype meetings. I know he's alive and well and having a wonderful time with his new family.
When we told him that our daughter had been in the hospital he didn't even flinch or ask for her progress.
That is one of the reasons why my husband needs to have rights over her, so that he can make medical emergency decisions, amongst other things if i'm not around.
Yet the X continues to refuse.

Our lawyer says we should flat out strip him of his rights and have my hubby adopt her. Which I WOULD LOVE!! And i know she would too.

All that is required is to serve him with the notice. But his signature or consent aren't even required, according to the lawyer.

I would love to do that, but i fear his family retaliating against me and my family. His sister has a lot of money and i fear they'll do something to us, if i were to strip him.

Would you just strip him?
What would you do?

With his behavior do you think he'd be angry?

Serious answers please. Thank you

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